Main services

Short series production

GeniCore provides a short series production using GeniCore U-FAST technology which is ideal for: Consolidation a wide range of innovative materials, Sintering non-conductive materials, Nano-grain materials thanks to very short pulses – below 1 ms, Low temperature sintering materials, Hight thermal conductive materials

Service of U-FAST devices

GeniCore offers a guarantee and post-guarantee servicing of the produced devices. From the design stage of the device, we put the greatest emphasis on the reliable operations of our devices, additionally offering an ‘on-line’ service for operational continuity. We offer a tele-service contract and on-line support, as well as technical support through our network of partners like Retech in USA.

R&D services

Feasibility study – we offer the making of “demo samples” for your technology. Thanks to this, at an early stage without investing in extensive R&D research you will learn whether the material/technology will work in your application.
Proof of concept – we offer the making of a trial batch of “test samples” to test the materials/technologies in conditions similar to your application.

Consulting & Training

The ability to support our clients both in the area of modern sintering techniques aided by the electric field of SPS, FAST, EDC types and their applications is thanks to the knowledge of our team members and its many years of experience in R&D research work.

Graphite machining & molds designing

Based on GeniCore experience in sintering we have a pleasure to offer graphite parts dedicated for all types of sintering technologies. We can produce different set and dimension of the parts up to request or according to drawings or prepared documentation.

Our R&D Materials

Transparent ceramics (Al2O3)
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Transparent ceramics (MgAl2O4)
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Sintered carbides (WCCo)
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Bulk Metallic Glasses (Zr-Cu-Al-Nb)
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Thermoelectrics (PbTe)
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High-Entropy Alloys (HEA)
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Other services

Grinding (MVM LA500)
  • Vertical machine
  • Ø150mm cup wheel
  • 5HP grinding motor power
  • Adjustable column up to 75 mm
  • Ø 300 magnetic rotary table
  • Magnetic chuck, neodymium magnets
Microstructure and Composition Analysis
  • SEM with modes: high vacuum (1.0nm@30kV) low vacuum (1.2nm@30kV) and ESEM (1.3nm@30kV)
  • High resolution – field emission gun
  • Observations of a wide range of samples
  • Non-conductive samples do not require sputtering
  • Accelerating voltage range: 200 V – 30 kV
Microscope Observation (Axioscope 7, Zeiss)
  • Metallographic microscope
  • Automated in X, Y and Z axis
  • Z images assembling function to obtain sharp and focused pictures of non-planar samples
  • Magnification of x50 – x1000
  • 2464 (H) x 2056 (V) = 5.07 mega pixel colour; pixel size: 3.45 x 3.45 μm
  • ConfoMap: line and 3D profiles of surface
Cutting (ATM BRILLANT 220)
  • Suited for precise cutting of small part with different geometries
  • Three automatic axes (X, Y, Z)
  • Several cutting modes
  • Cutting wheel up to Ø 203 mm/8”
  • 300-5000 rpm
Hot Mounting Press (ATM Opal 410)
  • Fully automatic and hydraulic device
  • Automatic process sequence
  • Cooling with pulsed water flow
  • 6 different sizes Ø 25.2 – 40 mm
  • Thermostate range 20-200 °C
  • pressure 450 bar
Roughness Measurement (Mitutoyo SJ-210)
  • Surface mapping
  • Calculation based on roughness standards including JIS standards, VDA, ISO-1997, ANSI
  • measuring range: 360 mm
  • Display roughness parameters such as: Ra, Rz, Rc, Ry, Rmax, Rmin and many others
Hardness Test (QNESS Q30M)
  • Vickers hardness testing with an automatic measuring head
  • Load from 100 g to 31 kg
  • Cracks measuring according to the norm
  • Lenses: 10x, 20x, 40x, 65x