U-FAST sintering machines
U-FAST from GeniCore - is a state-of-the-art sintering machine that represents:
- The shortest pulses available on the market - below 1 ms.
- Scalable technology at a high vacuum
- Multi - point temperature measurements 0 - 2500 ℃
- Service and maintenance
- Single button - user friendly, automatic and intuitive control
- Sinter diameters up to 300 mm

GeniCore - Spark Plasma Sintering Manufacturer
GeniCore top priority as a spark plasma sintering manufacturer is to provide an innovative approach to sintering technology to offer unique system performance that represents the highest quality solution among the spark plasma sintering suppliers.
The GeniCore U-FAST system is able to generate the current pulses with the shortest raise time available on the market which is able to sinter materials with reduced grain growth, and for many materials it has been confirmed there is no grain growth at all. It was achieved through a design that optimizes the connection between the power supply and the stamps. This design also has a significant impact on the performance of the machine by reducing power consumption in the process, but most importantly, it allows to increase the diameter of the sintered sample at the same power level. This means that the U-FAST offers sintering of larger volumes at the same power level compared to other similar devices.
Materials range
Composites with a ceramic matrix
Sintered carbides
High entropy refractory alloys
W-Ag W-SiO₂
Electrodes for microvawe lamps
Amorphous alloys
Al₂O₃ ; MgAlO₄
Transparent ceramics
PPC sintering machine
World-class method for diamond composite sintering
- First on the market fully controlled High-Voltage Sintering method (2kV)
- High energy cost efficiency with low pressure
- Fully prepared for industrial purposes as well as for research work „single button”
- The highiest standard at security and quality in performance
- DEC -Diamond Enhanced Cemented Carbide - hard materials for effective machining and drilling

More than 15 years of experience in sintering technologies