The materials produced by the SPS method are used in the most demanding industries.
The organisers of the II National Seminar Spark Plasma Sintering were: GeniCore Sp. z o.o., ŁUKASIEWICZ – Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, ŁUKASIEWICZ – Institute of Metal Forming and Usługi Ślusarskie from Sieroszewice.
The scientific committee of the seminar consisted of many renowned scientists from Poland and abroad, and the special guest of the seminar was Jan Räthel from Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme (IKTS) from Dresden, who gave the opening lecture entitled: “The FAST/SPS Tool – a new tool for the production of steel. “The FAST/SPS Tool – Considerations on Scalability”.
The seminar was attended by a total of 62 persons, including 40 persons from 12 research units and 22 persons from 6 enterprises.
During the seminar, the latest research results of Polish scientists were presented, as well as the effects of implementing GeniCore’s U-FAST technology into industrial practice. There were 19 papers presented. During the Seminar, a Polish device for spark plasma sintering in U-FAST technology from Geni-Core was also presented. The sintering process was carried out in the company’s laboratory, during which the functionalities of the device and their influence on the results of the material production process were discussed.
The annual Polish National Seminar on Spark Plasma Sintering is undoubtedly one of the first joint undertakings of the Institutes co-creating the Łukasiewicz Research Network. The success of this event is undoubtedly based on the idea of networking: the seminar is a platform for exchanging information, resources, mutual support and opportunities, creating a network of mutual contacts between science and business.
During the seminar it was announced that the 3rd edition of the seminar will be held at the headquarters of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Kraków in October 2020.
More information about the Seminar can be found here: LINK